Welcome To The New Site!

Yes, it has been a long time coming. Between jobs, children, pets and COVID19, things seem to take forever to get done. But finally, we have a website up and running for our neighborhood. This is where you will find news, important information and contacts for anything that you need relating to the neighborhood. If you do not find it here, contact one of your board members and we will see to putting it here.

Summer is almost here. If you want to reserve the park for a private gathering, click the blue button at the top right and get yourself on the calendar.

THE NEW VOTE: We are voting on the neighborhood’s first, official Bylaws so that we have rules and conditions set up for circumstances that may arise in the future. Also included in the vote is whether you want the park to be sprayed for mosquitos. The price is a for the year (season

If you need anything or can think of something that should be included on this website, please feel free to contact me.



July 17, 2019 - Meeting Notes