July 11th 2024 - Community Meeting MINUTES

This is the cOMMUNITY MEETING minutes from Thursday, JULY 11TH at 6:30pm.


31 households in attendance. 

Directory was put out to update

Agenda was given out

6:38  Introduction of board members. 

6:39 Pickleball Lines - Nick talked about redoing the tennis courts to make them pickleball courts as suggested by a few neighbors.  Nick mentioned that another association had repairs done and painted.  It cost around $15,000 and cracks were back the following the year. 

6:40 Painting of Playground Equipment and Shed.  Playground Equipment and shed need to be painted.  If we hire it out it the quote could be $2,000-$5,000.  $2,000 quote would be us buying all the materials and then contracting the actual work.  We will do sign ups for the project to help save some money.  It was mentioned that it is everybody's park so we could use everyone to help keep it up.  It is an asset to your house.  Chris Turley mentioned he would be willing to help redo the area near the trash cans.  Other projects include digging benches/spreading sand, etc.  

6:43 Financials.  Dues are $100 a year and due on June 1st.  They go from June 1st to June 1st.  Dues go towards park maintenance.  Township deals with house stuff/personal property.  Our responsibility to let family and friends know our rules.  Porta Potty is an expense.  Please do not put diapers or anything else in Porta Potty because it can cost more to get it cleaned.  We also had to do a special pick up for trash because it was overflowing.  Trash can does need to come to drive outside of gate.  We will do a sign up for trash, but if you are down here on Wednesday and notice it isn’t out put it outside the gate.  Missing Dues - We only had 12 missing dues so it is getting better.  As of now we do not have any back dues owed from previous years.  Financials were printed for anyone that wanted a copy of it.  We have approx $5000 in checking and $14,000 in savings.  Nick moves over $2,000 from checking to saving yearly.

6:51 Gate. Many have keys, but keys are available for anyone that did not receive a key.  One key per household.  It is very important to keep gate locked to keep non-neighbors out.  We have liability to anyone in park.  If someone gets hurt and we need to make a claim our insurance rates could increase.  It takes just a minute to unlock and lock the gate.  We had vandalism in the past.  Amy Turley is going to redo the signs for the gate since we had to get a new gate last year.  Signs will also let people know it is private property.  Place lock on the gate and lock it rather than leaving it on the ground.  We could have to replace lock if it becomes damaged.  

6:57 Website.  Parker reviewed the website address and information that can be found on the website. 

6:59 Docks.  There is a dock waitlist that was introduced a few years ago.  There are approx.  8 people on the waitlist.  Since implementation of waitlist we have moved approx. 9 boats onto docks.  Docks are not sold with the house.  It goes to next person on list.  Cost has to be reasonable.  Dock and Park rules are on website.  Rhonda shared about dock post and how we got to the dock situation now.  We want to make it fair for everyone.  Bylaws are recorded. 

7:02 New Board Members. We are looking for a president and vice president.  Open for discussion.  A few neighbors asked for details about positions, how often we met, etc.  Reviews that a person cannot hold a position for more than 6 years.  You don’t have to serve for 6 years, but that is the max before taking a year off.  It shouldn’t be one person doing it all since we are a neighborhood.  If there is an issue the board knows whats going on.  The main way the board communicates is through texting.  We would like it to be a year of serving.  Reminded neighbors about the FB page and asked if anyone is not on the page.  You can email the website and the email will go to the person running the page.  Currently Parker will receive the emails.  

7:14 Courtney Shepard (will be Morgan soon) is interested in a position.  Matt Jacobs is 

interested in a position.  Elizabeth Allen is interested in a position.  The neighbors 

shared their name, where they live, and why they would like to be on the board.  The 

neighbors in attendance voted for each person and each person received all for and no 

against.  Rhonda, Charlie, and Ken are interested in being At-Large members. 

7:28 New Business.  

  • People coming into dock from lake-Rule is they are supposed to be in 

neighborhood.  We do like to be neighborly so friends and family need to understand they are representing you and know you and the rules.  Day dock can be used to tie board for day if anyone doesn’t have a dock.

  • Stanton- 2 years agp Stanton wanted a key does he still have a key? Yes, his contract is renewed every year.  He sends his $100 year on time every year so far.  He needs to be contacted to get the contract signed.  He does have a key, but they have not been in park area at all. 

  • Garage Sale - Do we have a neighborhood garage sale.  Yes in the past.  Checked with neighbors and 3 said they would be interested in having one.  Someone could take lead on FB and the go over the comments and work with people in setting up garage sale. 

  • Waitlist for docks - Yes we have a waitlist.  It isn’t published to the website.  Parker explained how to get on waitlist.

  • Skunk - Any talk about removal of skunk.  The skunk is on personal property.  Parker mentioned he would be interested in going in with neighbors to get rid of skunk, but not kill it.  

  • Geese- Can we purchase geese decoy for the beach area.  Geese are in the park and it is the worst year for them.  We did not get the permit for the geese.  We will look into ordering geese decoys. 

  • Projects - There will be a sign up for various projects for the park. 

  • Car Parked by Gate - We can call Emmett for assistance if needed.  Our Bylaws are recorded and they will help keep our bylaws.  

  • Golf Cart Entrance - Can we widen the walking gate to allow golf carts.  Nick and another neighbor looked at it after the meeting. 

7:49 Meeting Adjourned.


April 19th, 2021 - Board Meeting Minutes